Eric Huffman~ the Healing Samurai
Creator of Deep Heart Reflexology and Owner of Healing Samurai LLC
Eric Huffman is the founder and creator of Deep Heart Reflexology, an energy based body therapy system for healing and wellness. Deep Heart Reflexology is an original blend of Japanese foot reflexology and energy balancing. He has been studying, practicing, and teaching meditation and ancient yogic energy techniques for over 25 years. Clients often comment on Eric's calm healing presence and positive energy.
Eric, who graduated with honors from Eastern Michigan University, discovered the amazing world of holistic healing, meditation, and yoga while he was attending college. While studying performance arts and a bachelors degree in communication, Eric took his first yoga class which introduced him to the importance of self healing and self realization. Eric read Autobiography of a Yogi as a required reading for yoga class which shifted his focus from performance studies to understanding and knowing the hidden secrets of the ancient Kriya Yoga Masters.
In 2002, Eric was fortunate to train with foot reflexology master, Ando Haruki sensei, as his full time apprentice. Known for creating his original foot reflexology health modality, it was a rare opportunity to train with a teacher of his status. Eric was honored as Ando sensei’s first apprentice. For 10 months, Eric trained everyday at his clinic and attended his school every Sunday. Upon graduating, Eric received the highest honor of the white robe called a "hakama", seldom given to a westerner. This is considered to be a great honor and is a symbol of mastering a skill.
Eric has developed his original Golden Light meditation technique designed specifically to make meditation easier for modern day people and give you the ability to deepen your meditation at a faster pace.
Eric continues to teach meditation offering weekly group meditations, private meditation classes, and online classes. It is Eric's mission to share the wealth of inner joy and calm clarity that meditation brings.
Eric's healing energy can also be received remotely through his online distance healing sessions which is a culmination of all his inner knowing and direct connection with Source energy.
Eric has been practicing meditation since age 17 when he was prescribed by his medical doctor to treat his ADHD. Since then, he has studied and practiced numerous meditation techniques including mantra meditation, Kriya yoga meditation, mindfulness, zazen, moving meditation, and creative visualization.
At age 19, Eric had his first true meditation experience and spiritual awakening which propelled him to study meditation and practice more diligently.
In 1995, Eric was honored to meet Bob Raymer, direct student of Paramansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi), and studied intimately in the art of mantra meditation, haung sau, and Kriya yoga (Advanced yogic meditation technique. In 1996, Eric lived at Song of the Morning Yoga Retreat Center to be with Bob Raymer. Being with Bob assisted Eric to a deeper understanding of meditation, kriya yoga, and internal energy awakening. Under Bob's guidance, Eric began to teach private and group meditation classes. During his 5 year stay at Song of the Morning, Eric was blessed to meet weekly with Bob Raymer and hone his skills in meditation. Eric has been blessed to have also had the opportunity to meet and study directly with many meditation masters and teachers including Mata Amritanandamayi, Ram Dass, Mother Meera, and the Dali Lama.
In 2001, Eric met his current meditation teacher H.H. Gayuna Cealo. The profound intuitive shifts which took place while studying and traveling with Gayuna Cealo deeply impacted Eric’s life. Eric traveled to Myanmar to train in Cealo’s way of Direct Action of Compassion. While in Myanmar, Eric visited many villages and orphanages bringing food and necessary supplies. He also stayed at the Chakala Temple in Yangon for 3 weeks practicing meditation as directed by Venerable U Zeneca, a Theravada Buddhist monk.
Through H.H. Gayuna Cealo’s guidance, Eric moved to Japan to train in reflexology and energy healing. As a part of his training, Eric lived for 3 months at Sojiji Soen, a Zen monastery in Monzen, Japan. While living at Sojiji, Eric came to the direct knowing that in the center of all humans is love. During Eric's reflexology training in Japan, H.H. Gayuna Cealo shared many deep insights on spiritual healing energy and secret qi energy healing techniques.
Since Eric’s return to America in 2003, Eric has been teaching meditation, yoga, qi gong energy healing, and reflexology classes. Eric has led and conducted many meditation and healing retreats and programs in both Japan and America. He has led numerous week long meditation and healing retreats in Hawaii, and recently led 2 retreats in Myanmar.
Currently, Eric offers private Deep Heart Reflexology sessions at his office studio in the West Town neighborhood of Chicago. Eric offers a variety of private and group classes on reflexology, meditation, yoga, qi gong, and holistic health. Eric often leads lectures, workshops, and retreats through out the mid-west, Hawaii, and in Japan.
Eric has been featured on WICU's "You & Me This Morning", Luxury Spa Finder Magazine, Daily Candy, UR Chicago, and Metromix's CLTV cable station.
Veiw the CLTV video click here
Additional training
University: Graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a B.S. in communications.
Yoga Training: Eric is a certified hatha yoga instructor through GLTYA yoga (www.goldenlotusyoga.org).
Foundation for Global Harmony USA
Eric Huffman proudly supports the charitable works of the Foundation for Global Harmony-USA a NPO which assists children in third world countries by providing food, clothing, medical supplies, and education.
A percentage of all proceeds from DH Reflexology goes to support the charitable work done in Sri Lanka and S.E. Asia.
For more information on Foundation for Global Harmony click here.