Bonfire Ceremony, Meditation, Live Talk from His Holiness Gayuna Cealo, Food, Fun, and Music
DEC 31st, 2024 at 6:30PM (See Full Schedule Below)
Healing Samurai Temple
4500 N Maplewood AVE APT 3, Chicago, IL 60625 (or via zoom)
100% all proceeds support Foundation for Global Harmony
Sacred Bonfire Ceremony
Across Japan it is a tradition to perform a cleansing fire ceremony to release the past and bring in the positive new energy for 2025. We will do a special sacred bonfire ceremony.
We write down on 2 pieces of paper. 1 negative to release all the negative stuff from 2024. The 2nd paper is positive to bring in the hopes and dreams of your future for 2025.You can participate in person or virtually.
To participate live, please arrive BEFORE 6:55pm
To participate virtually, please email me 2 docs, one for your NEGATIVE and 1 for your POSITIVE. Your email must be received by noon on DEC 31st.
H.H. Cealo Live Virtual NYE message and blessing
His Holiness Gayuna Cealo will give a talk via zoom send blessings of positive energy for the New Year. Cealo is an enlightened Buddhist monk who founded the Foundation for Global Harmony, a charity group that supports children, schools, and orphanages in SE Asia.
Starts at 8:30PM
Full details about Cealo’s NYE talk and fundraiser is written below.
NYE Meditation and Blessings for world peace
Eric will lead a guided meditation followed by a special group energy channeling for world peace.
Starts at approximately 9:30PM (after Cealo’s Blessing)
Pot Luck Food, Music, Sharing and Champagne Toast
Bring your favorite food and beverage to share. We will have fun music playing, maybe some dancing, and good old fashioned FUN.
Start at 10pm. Champagne toast is at 11pm
Have multiple events to do on NYE?
Please feel free to choose what parts you want to participate in.
100% of all proceeds goes to support H.H. Cealo and Foundation for Global Harmony.
If you can not afford it but want to join in, please let me know and I am happy to donate on your behalf.
6:30pm - Doors Open
6:55pm- Doors Close (no entry after 6:55pm)
7PM- Bonfire explanation, writing messages, brief meditation
7:35 PM - Bonfire ceremony (in garden across the street)
8:05 PM- Door Open - Return to apartment
8:30 PM- Open Zoom page - Meditation with Lee’s Hymns to Oneself
9PM- Live Talk by H. H. Gayuna Cealo NYE message via zoom
9:30 PM - Meditation
9:45PM- Sending peace to Earth
10PM - Food, Fun, Music
11PM- Champagne Toast “Happy New Year”!!!!
1AM- Go home
Please bring a dish or snacks for the PotLuck. Bring your own favorite beverage.
I will provide Japanese Curry with Rice (YUMMY!). Someone is already bringing salad.
Please RSVP in advance!
Luminous Blessings, Eric
Full details about Cealo’s NYE talk and fundraiser
FGH USA Fundraising
Currently, we are in desperate need of donations… our checking account is at the minimum balance to maintain the account.
We are thankful for the handful of donors contributing on a recurring basis… as this money was critical in the ongoing care of His Holiness this year. Thank you and we hope that you will continue to support Cealo in this way.
Currently, we are currently raising funds specifically for the following initiatives to support Cealo. We appreciate your time to consider each and hope that you will make a donation of any size…every dollar counts:
February 2025 - Cealo’s Reunion - Fundraising Goal: $2,800
We recently contacted you about raising money for the Cealo’s Reunion in Feb. 2025…thank you to the donors to date, FGH USA was able to help with covering the airfare for U Zanaka Cealo…who is now scheduled to arrive in Okayama on Jan. 26, 2025 for a two week visit with our Gayuna Cealo. However, we would like to raise an additional $2,800 to cover other reunion related costs for this 2-week event for the two Cealos.
NEW - January 2025 - Cataract Surgery and New Glasses for our Cealo - Fundraising Goal: $13,000 ($6,500 per eye)
Our Cealo recently went for an eye exam and was told he needed cataract surgery in both eyes. After his consideration, he told Amica-san that he wanted to proceed as soon as possible with the surgery…even prior to U Zanaka Cealo Reunion. However, this surgery is not covered by insurance in Japan. We are hoping to raise enough funds over the next 4 weeks to cover this surgery…where American-manufactured lenses (top quality) will be implanted into our Cealo’s eyes. As one our FGH USA friends has pointed out…we are thrilled our Cealo wants to see life and wants to engage this way and we want to support this.
Ongoing Living Costs
Since Cealo’s hip replacement in January 2020, we have been successful at providing consistent funds to help cover some of his ongoing living expenses (ex. food, prescription, nursing, therapy, medical, utilities)... so our Cealo can live at his own pace, in a healthy and relaxed space and get the care that he needs. We hope to continue to support Cealo throughout 2025 with your donations.
Paypal - click here for donation
Mail a check to:
Foundation for Global Harmony USA
401 Davis St Fenton, MI 48430
To help with fundraising efforts described above, we will also offer the following programs:
December 31, 2024 New Year’s Eve Blessing with His Holiness Gayuna Cealo
9:30PM to 10:30 PM EST/ 8:30PM-9:30PM CST/ 7:30PM-8:30PM MST/ 6:30-7:30PM PST/ 4:30PM-5:30PM HST/ 12:00PM-12:30PM (next day) Japan
Cealo will join us live and in person on Zoom this New Year’s Eve for a special meeting and blessing for his FGH USA friends.
The Zoom room opens at the start time above where we will offer music from the world of Cealo and a temple scene while waiting for our Cealo to join. We expect Cealo will join us approximately 30 minutes after the Zoom room opens for 2025 New Year’s meeting and blessing.
Suggested Minimum Donation: $54** per person
** Eric Huffman is offering to anyone who donates for this event…participation in his New Year’s Eve fire ceremony. You can send him your positives and negatives prior to 12pm CST on Dec. 31, 2024…