Virtual Healing Sessions
With Eric Huffman Sensei
Virtual Remote Healing Sessions
Receive deep healing energy from Source, in the privacy and safety of your home.
Personal virtual healing sessions are a perfect way to directly access your inner Source connection and relax into your body. Feel light, calm, free, and happy as you release stress and worry and allow my healing energy heal your heart and soothe your soul.
Each distance healing session is personal and customized to deeply clear your aura (energy feilds) and free the chakras (energy centers) for your specific request.
During your session, Eric goes into a meditative state and tunes into your energy fields and various energy bodies. Through intuitive guidance, Eric will send various healing energies to assist you in aligning with your core power, releasing negative energies, and reconnecting with you soul essence and natural gifts. Realignment with own inner true essence brings forth a sense of joy and postive energy which encourages yor postive enrgy to increase in your daily liveing. Yiu may remember things that inspired you when you were younger and regain the strength and knowldge of how to pursue your passions in life again.
About the healing session....
As you relax and become quiet, the breathing deepens and you begin to shift into a healing space. In this calm sympathetic state, the body begins to restore and healing takes place.
Eric may also guide you to do certain breathing techniques and visualizations to enhance your session. Various healing energy frequencies, that are specific to your needs, are directed towards you and your situation. Simply relax, be open, and allow yourself to receive the healing.
Once you schedule your session, from that point forward, the healing process begins.
Prior to your session, the Universe and healing angels will increase the energy in your space and set up the right frquencies so when you have your live session you are ready receive the fullest benefits from your session.
Communication Options
Healing energy is transmitted virtually using Zoom. Once you book your session, you will receive the Zoom login link. It is recommended to download zoom for free at www.zoom.us/download
If you would like to do your session via phone, Skype, or Whatsapp, please contact me directly to make arrangements.
Each healing session can be between 50-70 minutes, so please schedule your time accordingly.
Also, I reccomend you to give yourself an additional 10-20 minutes after the session so you can enjoy, deepen, and integrate all the healing energy.
Healing Session- $250
Payment & Scheduling
Schedule and pay online. Please make sure you select "Pay Now" and complete payment prior to your session.
* Please note that times are in CST, Central Standard Time.
24 hour cancellation policy
If you need to cancel or reschedule you must notify me 24 hours in advance. If you miss your appointment you will be charged full amount.
How to prepare for your session
Do your best to find a private room where you can relax and be comfortable. It is best if you can be hands-free using ear buds. If it calls to you, you may choose to play soft music, light a candle and or some incense. If using a phone, please use earphones or a head set so you can be hands free. I highly recommend to have the option to lay down as certain healing energies require this. Please ask me if you have any questions regarding your location situation. During your session, various healing energy frequencies are directed towards you and your situation. Simply relax and allow yourself to receive the healing.
Once you schedule your session, from that point forward, the healing process begins.
Prior to your session, Eric will increase the energy through pray amd meditation.
During your session, you may feel a calm warmth pervade your body and begin to feel lighter and at ease. This is the healing energy assisting you. Some feel the energy, while others are aware that they feel better after each session. Simply relax and receive.
What clients are saying~
"Today's session was absolutely magical! From the minute I set the virtual healing appointment with you, I immediately felt the energy. It felt as though healing started happening from the minute I signed up. By the actual session I already felt so good and yet still the session grounded in the energy and elevated it within me. I left the session feeling centered, lighter, happier and over all amazing. It truly is life changing and moving to not only feel better but to feel more prepared for whatever is to come next. I feel so grateful to know you and have someone in my life that has such authentic and true healing powers. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world!" - Amy Grant, USA
"I am a longtime client of Eric's (15 years). I have experienced many types of sessions, retreats, meditations, breath workshops etc. with Eric. All have been very powerful and all assisting me in my own journey. Recently my husband became very ill with liver issues. Because we live in Michigan and due to all the travel restrictions and quarantines it has not been easy to get to the Eric's office in Chicago. Fortunately we are able to experience a distant healing session. Eric assisted me and guided me during the session while my husband was relaxed and open to taking in the energy. What a beautiful, incredibly powerful session for my husband and for myself as well. I am grateful for Eric's deep intuitive messages and guidance during our sessions." - D Milliken, USA
"Eric’s remote healing session was nothing less than a miracle. It brought me back into my body and into myself. I could feel his calming energy and found it very relaxing to breathe deeply again. After the session, I felt great for days and am still feeling the affects now. I highly recommend this type of session." - Andrea Levoff, USA
“It was my first time having an online healing session, and during the process I was able to experience that I felt a warm connection with my heart again. I had a feeling that Eric would be able to sense what was happening in my life, however, I did not expect him to be so exact (lol)!!!! He seemed to know everything that was happening in my life and various recent events that I did not mention to him... and he was aware that I was under a lot of stress with family matters... Today, the day after my session, I feel like it's sunny and clear and mysteriously refreshing. I am finally able to think about the future again. I realized I'm doing the healing method which Eric taught me naturally and with ease. I feel such a refreshing feeling as I do it and it has a great healing effect on me. Eric Sensei, thank you so much.” - Mukin, Japan
“I hurt my right arm two months ago. I tried applying some medicine and putting on a compress, but it didn't improve much. I received Eric's online healing. The pain in my right arm was reduced and I felt warm from the center of my body, so my body and mind were very deeply relaxed. During the session, my mind became very calm. When I woke up the next morning, I felt very good. The pain in the right arm improved, and I felt that my whole body was energized and active. Eric instructed me on a simple exercises. If I do it every day, I can balance myself. Really high quality effects in online healing. He is a really great therapist.” - Michiyo Noguchi, Japan
"Today, as a way to take time for me and recharge I had a "Distance Healing" with Eric. During the session I was immediately in a peaceful state. I was able to experience the expansion of my energy field around my body as I breathed in and out and lay completely relaxed. I was guided to shake off any extra mental and emotional resistances. My physical body felt light and free at the end of the session as I released all the tensions my body was holding. I feel centered with a deep sense of peace and a lightness in my heart. I LOVE that I can do this from the comfort of my own home! I encourage anyone that is curious about this to try the "Distance Healing". The session was energetically moving and I enjoyed it completely. Magical! "- D Milliken, USA
deeply compassionate and intuitive healer
"Eric's joy is contagious! He is a deeply compassionate and intuitive healer. I have been moved and inspired by his kindness and generosity, and by the way he embraces heart-centeredness. A powerful and knowledgeable practitioner, he is an amazing teacher as well! I feel blessed that my life has been touched by his light and hope yours can too!"
Vanessa, Chicago, IL Dec 17, 2021
24 hour cancellation policy. If you need to cancel or reschedule you must notify me 24 hours in advance.
* Remote Distance healing is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult your medical practitioner prior to trying alternative wellness options. If you have any serious illness, consult your doctor immediately.